Network Marketing
In January 2020, a fellow hairdresser asked me why I was involved in Network Marketing. They pointed out that being a hairdresser should keep me busy enough.
For me, it wasn’t about staying busy; it was about having another source of income, something to fall back on.
As we age, our current jobs may not be suitable for us. The physical demands of lugging tools and leaning over clients’ baths to rinse their hair can seem daunting if I were to continue my career into my early 70s.
One day, a colleague asked me, “Do you do this through choice or more for the money? Because if it’s the money, you can increase your prices and do fewer clients.”
It was an interesting comment that I thought about carefully before answering.
I’ve been in hairdressing for over 32 years. It’s my passion. I enjoy meeting people, making them look and feel lovely, providing a service, and paying my bills, like any job.
I don’t increase my prices to work fewer hours. My clients know I work more hours than I should, but I love what I do. It’s so important to enjoy the work we do. We spend most of our lives at work, so why not do something you want?
I increase my prices yearly due to product price increases and fluctuations in fuel costs (we know how much that can vary!). I also keep up to date with my skills. Being a member of the FHA (Federation of Hairdressers and Beauty Therapists), it’s necessary to keep skills updated and learn trends. Above all, it benefits the clients, so I charge for this.
When I first began network marketing, it was more of a hobby that fit my hairdressing career. However, I soon saw its potential and wanted to create another business. The idea of providing another excellent service and product to my existing client base seemed like the perfect solution and something I was looking forward to working on.
Over the years, this hobby has evolved into another business. I’ve built up a fantastic online community of friends who regularly purchase from me, and we support one another in each of our ventures. Supporting others is crucial whether you work in an office, a shop, or within a community, so working online is no different. It’s all about collaboration and helping each other succeed.
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While working online may not offer the same level of personal interaction as face-to-face, building meaningful customer relationships over time is still possible, even if you never meet them in person. The key to successful online business relationships is consistent and genuine communication.
By providing excellent customer service, addressing their needs and concerns promptly, and offering valuable content or products, you can foster trust and loyalty among your online customers. Building a solid online presence through social media and online communities can also help you connect with your customers and create a sense of community around your brand.
So, my response to my fellow hairdresser’s question about why I work with an online company alongside hairdressing was that I do network marketing through choice, and the money is only a tiny part of why I joined. We all work for the money, whatever job we do, but helping others is a big part of working online.
I fell in love with the company’s products and have met some fantastic friends, leaders, and mentors. I also wanted to help others make money and save on shopping.
When someone new joins my team, I feel happy and content and want to help them make the most of their journey with FM World.
There are no shortcuts in life. We all have reasons for doing what we do and for our career choices. For me, helping others far outweighs the money we can potentially earn.
Perfume is a popular product for both men and women, and I loved the idea of saving money on my purchases while helping others—a definite win-win situation.
Since Chanel first created perfume, we have been accustomed to paying a fortune for designer perfumes, and many still do.
I would love to hear from you if you want to earn extra income while enjoying wearing fragrances and cosmetics. Please feel free to comment below or join my team!!
If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to get in touch.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter for the latest info on the perfume world, where to buy perfume samples of your favourite scents and more!
Please Don’t Forget Me
As we embark on our shopping journeys, let’s take a moment to reflect on the impact of our choices. “Please don’t forget me” will be spoken by many small businesses that are the lifeblood of our communities, run by passionate individuals who pour their hearts into every product and service they offer. Supporting a small business means more than just making a purchase; it’s a vote for uniqueness, personalised attention, and the dreams of entrepreneurs.
Consider the wealth of character and diversity small businesses bring to the marketplace. Each product tells a story, and behind every service is a person dedicated to providing excellence. By buying from a small business, you contribute to the growth of a dream, a local family’s success, and your community’s vibrancy.
Small businesses are beacons of individuality and craftsmanship in a world dominated by big corporations. They offer a personalised touch, which can be lost in larger enterprises. So, the next time you need a product or service, pause and explore the offerings of a small business.
Your decision to support them goes beyond a transaction—it’s an investment in a unique vision, a celebration of diversity, and a direct contribution to your community’s heartbeat. Let’s make a difference, one thoughtful purchase at a time.
Affiliate DisclosureThis post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you click on a link and make a purchase at no additional cost. I only recommend products or services I believe in; all opinions are mine. Thank you for supporting this website..Shop online and in-store and purchase from small businesses whenever you can.
Please Don’t Forget Me
Please don’t forget me once the shops begin to reopen,
When you couldn’t leave the house, the world felt broken.
You’ve checked in every day to see my quirky posts,
Liked, loved, and shared the ones that have made you smile the most.
Please don’t forget me when you drive to the shops once more,
Remember when I helped you find the gift you were looking for?
The products that you’ve bought have kept my business running,
So please don’t forget me when you return to regular shopping.
Please don’t forget me when you look to buy a new perfume,
Fragrances are my speciality; I can find the perfect one for you.
I can save you money on your favourite bottle of Spritz,
Our comparison is incredible; it’s why I joined this biz.
Please don’t forget me when you pay for cleaning products at the till,
My company sells these too, saving you money on your bill.
The pink lip gloss and vitamins you’ve just added to your cart,
Delete those online, and give my small business a piece of your heart.
Please don’t forget me when you purchase your tea and coffee,
I have so many for you to choose from, offering variety.
And when you load your car with supermarket bags,
Think of my small business and the impact that this has.
Please don’t forget me when you return to your job in town,
It has been my full-time job since the start of lockdown.
I’ve been genuinely grateful to you all for keeping my business moving,
And over the past three months, my little biz has been improving.
Please don’t forget me when life returns to some norm,
Remember all those times I’ve helped you through this storm.
Support your local business and keep me in your thoughts,
Please don’t forget me; that’s all I’m asking for.
©️Copyright Louise Allen
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Fear Failure Fear Success
Fear failure, fear success. It is a common phrase and one that many of us have felt. Everyone wants to achieve and be successful in something. It starts from an early age. Parents, teachers, or even family who are not supportive when we are young will make us carry negative feelings, and those feelings will carry on through to adulthood. The fear of aiming to do something but too scared to in case we fail.
Without failing at something, we never learn how to succeed. After all, success is from many failures. It’s certainly not a bad thing, though, because, with every failure, we learn something new.
Each time we learn something new, we take another step towards success. It all comes down to a psychological way of thinking. We don’t carry out the task and stay in our comfort zone to avoid failing and feeling the negative impact. There is nothing wrong with a comfort zone, and it serves its purpose.
Sometimes, it can be failures from the past, but in whatever position an adult finds himself in, reminders appear of that failure from years ago.
Knowing how it made them feel and the negative impact it caused keeps them from feeling that way again. It’s better to avoid something that we are not good at than to attempt to try it but fear failure.
Some people grow up to be perfectionists. Everything has to be correct. To avoid anything going wrong, they avoid situations that they know will put them in an unnerving position.
There could be a massive opportunity in front of someone to earn lots of money, connect with hundreds of people worldwide, and meet new friends. Yet the voice in the head that tells us we will fail and won’t be good enough to achieve it gets in the way.
Fear of failure and success are two psychological phenomena that can significantly impact a person’s thoughts, behaviours, and decisions.
Overcoming the Fear of Failure: Understanding Its Impact and Finding Growth Opportunities
Fear of failure is an anxiety or apprehension about the possibility of not achieving a desired goal or outcome.
Perfectionism: Individuals fearing failure will often hold unrealistically high standards for themselves.
Procrastination: Fear of failure can lead to avoidance behaviour and procrastination to prevent facing potential failure.
Self-doubt: A pervasive doubt about one’s abilities and a heightened sensitivity to criticism.Stagnation: The fear of failure can paralyze individuals, preventing them from taking risks or pursuing new opportunities.
Low Self-Esteem: Repeated experiences of perceived failure can erode self-esteem and self-worth.
Missed Opportunities: The fear may lead to missed opportunities for personal and professional growth.Overcoming the Fear of Failure and Success: Strategies for Growth and Realizing Potential
Setting Realistic Goals: Establishing achievable goals can help reduce the fear of failure.
Changing Perceptions: Viewing failure as a learning opportunity rather than a reflection of personal worth.
Seeking Support: Talking about fears with friends, family, or a mental health professional can provide valuable perspectives. Fear of success is an irrational fear of achieving one’s goals, often stemming from concerns about increased responsibility, visibility, or potential changes in relationships.Self-Sabotage: Individuals may unconsciously undermine their efforts to prevent reaching success.
Fear of Change: Success often brings change, and some fear the unknown consequences that success might bring.
Imposter Syndrome: Feeling unworthy of success and fearing exposure as a fraud, even when accomplishments are legitimate.Missed Opportunities: Fear of success can lead individuals to reject or avoid opportunities that could propel them forward.
Self-Limiting Beliefs: Holding oneself back due to fear can reinforce negative beliefs about one’s capabilities.
Unfulfilled Potential: A persistent fear of success can result in unfulfilled potential and a limited exploration of one’s capabilities.Conquering the Fear of Success: Strategies for Personal Development and Growth
Identifying and Challenging Beliefs: Questioning and challenging irrational beliefs about success can be a first step.
Gradual Exposure: Gradually exposing oneself to success and its potential consequences can help desensitize the fear.
Positive Affirmations: Focusing on positive affirmations and recognizing one’s worth can counteract self-sabotaging thoughts.Understanding and addressing these fears is crucial for personal development. Those who fear success and failure can manage their barrier through self-awareness, self-compassion, and a willingness to seek support when needed.
Longevity in Network Marketing: Challenging Perceptions of Success and Failure
When I chat with new people, they inevitably ask how long I have been in my network marketing business. My reply is 11 years.
“Wow… that’s a long time.”
Interesting. Why is it considered a long time? If you spoke to someone at a supermarket who mentioned they’d been working there for eleven years, would you say, “Wow, that’s a long time”?
No, of course not. So why do we say it in network marketing?
Fear failure, fear success
People join companies but quit when they don’t see immediate results, which is very common before their first year. Don’t get me wrong—I’m not the highest earner or team builder—far from it—and the road hasn’t always been smooth, but what matters to me is that I have never quit, even when things were tough.
Perseverance in Learning: Lessons from Baby’s Determination to Crawl and Walk
Imagine this scenario: A six-month-old baby begins to teach himself to crawl, dedicating hours, days, and months to perfecting the skill.
Despite numerous failures and countless attempts, the baby persists, facing the struggles associated with the concept until finally mastering crawling. This progress becomes a foundation for the subsequent learning of walking. Would a baby quit because the battle is too hard?
Would a toddler express, “This walking isn’t for me. It’s too difficult. I quit”?
Babies and young children learn the fear of failure. If we quit, we only fail ourselves, and none of us are born to stop—just like a baby isn’t born to leave the challenge of crawling and walking. It’s part of learning and growing.
Quitting would mean missing out on the friendships we could make with like-minded individuals. Regardless of what we’re doing—running a business, raising a family, or supporting others in need—we all need a daily routine.
I love what I do and its flexibility, but most of all, I cherish the opportunity to use our products, meet amazing people, and earn money.
If you’ve been seeking a side hustle, have a passion for fragrances, and enjoy helping others, get in touch to chat about how I can support you in starting your journey with FM.
Your new success starts here.
Name Brand Perfumes
Like a bottle of Chanel perfume, your lipstick container and brand name are hidden in your handbag until you use it.
At FM World, we sell affordable makeup alongside our extensive collection of fragrances. Similar to designer brands, we never compromise on quality. However, the critical difference is that we don’t need to advertise on TV.
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Budget-Friendly, Cruelty-Free Fragrances: Luxurious Alternatives to Name-Brand Perfumes
Millions of distributors worldwide, like myself, help both men and women choose the right scent that’s also budget-friendly. We talk to friends, family, and colleagues about our fragrances, informing them that we can help customers save money by offering an alternative option.
Additionally, we are a cruelty-free company, which is an essential factor today. With an affordable price tag, we can help others save money while still enjoying their favourite scents.
Name-brand perfumes are prominent in the world of fragrance, renowned for their exceptional quality, diverse range of scents, and luxurious presentation.
These established perfume houses have earned their reputation through a commitment to crafting unique, long-lasting fragrances that appeal to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
Choosing a name-brand perfume offers not just a scent but also an indulgent experience that reflects luxury, elegance, and prestige. The attention to detail in the ingredients, packaging, bottle design, and presentation ensures that wearing these perfumes symbolises refined taste and sophistication.
Affiliate DisclosureThis post contains affiliate links, which means I may earn a small commission if you click on a link and make a purchase at no additional cost. I only recommend products or services I believe in; all opinions are mine. Thank you for supporting this website..When selecting a name-brand perfume, consider individual preferences and how the fragrance interacts with your body chemistry. Always try the scent on your skin before purchasing to ensure it complements your unique aroma.
Related Article: Best Perfume for Sensitive Skin
While name-brand perfumes may have a higher price tag, they justify their value through superior quality, design, packaging, and advertising. Investing in a name-brand perfume enhances your scent and adds a touch of luxury to your daily routine.
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When it comes to name-brand perfumes, why are they so expensive, and why do we spend so much on them? I remember peeking into my mum’s wardrobe when I was younger, and there would often be a Chanel or YSL perfume or an Elizabeth Arden lipstick on the shelf. My mom had expensive taste, so many cosmetic and perfume items bore well-known names in the beauty industry.
Understanding Brand Pricing: Quality and Affordability with FM World Fragrances
When I was young, I knew nothing about expensive brands. To me, they were just a bottle of perfume or lipstick. It wasn’t until later in life that I realised just how expensive some of her items were. As a youngster, I was completely unaware of how pricing worked. As we delve deeper into the topic, we understand how prices can vary significantly depending on where you purchase from and who is behind the named brands.
Men and women frequently choose well-known brands, which means they pay for the product, marketing, brand name, and prestige associated with these renowned names.
Like a bottle of Chanel perfume, your lipstick container and brand name are hidden in your handbag until you use it.
At FM World, we sell affordable makeup alongside our extensive collection of fragrances. Similar to designer brands, we never compromise on quality. However, the critical difference is that we don’t need to advertise on TV.
Millions of distributors worldwide, like myself, help both men and women choose the right scent that’s also budget-friendly. We talk to friends, family, and colleagues about our fragrances, informing them that we can help customers save money by offering an alternative option.
Additionally, we are a cruelty-free company, which is an essential factor today. With an affordable price tag, we can help others save money while still enjoying their favourite scents.
Name-brand perfumes are prominent in the world of fragrance, renowned for their exceptional quality, diverse range of scents, and luxurious presentation.
These established perfume houses have earned their reputation through a commitment to crafting unique, long-lasting fragrances that appeal to a wide range of tastes and preferences.
Choosing a name-brand perfume offers not just a scent but also an indulgent experience that reflects luxury, elegance, and prestige. The attention to detail in the ingredients, packaging, bottle design, and presentation ensures that wearing these perfumes symbolises refined taste and sophistication.
When selecting a name-brand perfume, consider individual preferences and how the fragrance interacts with your body chemistry. Always try the scent on your skin before purchasing to ensure it complements your unique aroma.
While name-brand perfumes may have a higher price tag, they justify their value through superior quality, design, packaging, and advertising. Investing in a name-brand perfume enhances your scent and adds a touch of luxury to your daily routine.
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Join our community of like-minded individuals today and never miss a beat. Subscribe now to stay connected and be the first to know.
Small Businesses
These days, small businesses are significant. We have all been to a Superdrug or Boots store and might have bought makeup, hair products, skincare items, perfumes, and aftershaves.
I have always been attracted to the Rimmel makeup section for the newest trends. It is a convenient stop for a quick shopping trip. These stores typically offer a wide range of products catering to diverse needs, making it easy to find what we need and get in and out swiftly.
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A diary is essential to a small business
Small businesses versus big stores
Small businesses and large retailers, also known as corporations, have unique traits, benefits, and obstacles. Let’s examine the main contrasts between them.
Size and Scale
Small businesses are typically independently owned and operated enterprises with few employees. They usually serve a local or niche market and may have a single location or a few branches distributed in different areas.
Large retailers and the bigger stores are corporations with substantial resources, multiple locations and a vast network of stores or franchises. They have a much larger scale of operation and can often operate at a national or even international level.
Product and Service Offering
Smaller businesses often specialise in a particular product or service. They may focus on providing personalised and unique products to their local customers and will usually cater to specific needs that larger stores might not meet.
Large retailers typically offer a wide range of products and services. Due to their economies of scale, they can be bought in bulk and offer competitive prices. This broad product selection attracts a more extensive customer base, and customers are drawn to shop here when there is more choice of product or brand.
Customer Experience
Small businesses tend to provide a more personalised and intimate customer experience. They often know their customers by name, understand their preferences, and can offer tailored solutions. This is one reason why customers will return to a small business.
Large retailers focus on efficiency and convenience. They may provide a consistent shopping experience across their chain of stores, and they often invest in technology and processes to streamline the customer journey. They have the funds to do things on a much larger scale and attract customers.
Large stores are accessible places to go for home items. We pick our items off the shelf, pay at the counter, and go off.
Shops like this, like supermarkets, already have the trust of their buyers. No one checks the reviews of these shops because they are so massive and in every town that they don’t require it. They’ve been trusted since day one, and we continue to visit them.
Impact on the Local Economy
Small businesses play a vital role in supporting the local economy. They create job opportunities within their communities and contribute to the region’s growth. Additionally, they may support other local businesses by sourcing products and services from nearby suppliers, which helps everyone.
While large retailers offer consumers convenience and cost savings, they can also have a mixed impact on the local economy. On one hand, they create jobs and attract foot traffic to shopping areas.
On the other hand, they may displace smaller businesses and cause some economic strain on local communities.
I believe that more and more people are willing to support smaller businesses, especially since the world’s economy crashed with Covid.
Marketing and Advertising
Smaller businesses often promote their products and services through word-of-mouth, local advertising, community engagement, and events on the tube or in regional areas. They might also have limited marketing budgets compared to the big stores.
Bigger stores have significant marketing budgets, allowing them to run extensive advertising campaigns, sponsor events, and implement loyalty programs. They also have a wider reach and can leverage their brand recognition to attract customers.
Flexibility and Adaptability
Small businesses can be more agile and responsive to market changes. They can quickly adjust their strategies and offerings to cater to local trends and customer demands.
Due to their standard and central operations, large stores might face challenges adapting to local preferences. However, their size and resources can also provide them stability and resilience when faced with economic fluctuations.
Both small businesses and big stores have their place in the market, offering unique benefits to consumers and the overall economy. We can help maintain a healthy and diverse business landscape by supporting both types of businesses.
Big businesses can often overwhelm small online shops Considerations Before Buying
The prices can vary depending on our chosen brands, but we still purchase because we need or want these items. Many supermarkets have started selling makeup and fragrances alongside food and clothing, making it even easier to shop for these products.
Small businesses
FM World has been selling perfumes alongside everyday products. Founded in 2004, it started as a perfume company but soon recognised the potential of introducing cosmetics alongside its popular fragrances.
So, why do small businesses struggle to get noticed?
Many people prefer high street brands over small company brands because:
1) You can buy everything you need during your regular shopping trip without visiting multiple stores.
2) There’s no waiting for a delivery at home.
3) Big stores are well-known and trusted, making customers more likely to shop there.
However, personal care is what we miss when we purchase from larger stores.
‘How are you getting on with your new shampoo? Can I help you choose a new fragrance?’
‘You mentioned that your skin is dehydrated; I may have a product that could help.’
These personalised touches make small businesses unique and stand out from the bigger stores.
Considerations Before Making a Purchase
The next time you visit a beauty store or supermarket before you pick up your usual foundation, shampoo, face cream, or deodorant, ask if someone running a small business can help you with your purchase.
At FM World, we know how vital customer care is. Providing personal service to find the perfect fragrance keeps customers coming back, not only for the great products that we sell but also for the personal service and help in finding a perfume or aftershave that is right for them.
Providing a personalised service to help you find the perfect fragrance ensures you return for the excellent products we offer and for personal assistance in selecting a perfume or aftershave that suits you perfectly.
We understand that big stores will endure, even through significant challenges like a pandemic. Customers will continue to visit shops in small towns, large towns, and cities.
Small businesses are constantly fighting for survival. Building trust takes time, especially when starting a business.
While we may not be as widely recognised as established shops, we are still here to assist. To support us, please allow us the opportunity to help you. There’s room for everyone; together, we can make a difference.
Small businesses are the lifeblood of our economy and essential contributors to the fabric of our communities. They bring innovation, creativity, and personalised customer service that sets them apart from more giant corporations.
Fragrances With Love is a prime example of a small business that has successfully carved out a niche in the fragrance industry.
Throughout this article, we explored Fragrances With Love’s journey from humble beginnings to growth and success. This small business has showcased resilience, adaptability, and a deep passion for its craft.
By prioritising quality, authenticity, and a personalised touch, we have built a loyal customer base and established ourselves as a trusted brand.
Small businesses’ challenges are not underestimated, especially in an increasingly competitive and rapidly evolving market.
However, we have shown that it is possible to thrive despite adversity with determination, a robust business model, and dedication to our customers.
Supporting small businesses is crucial for the overall well-being of our communities. By shopping locally, we contribute to these enterprises’ growth and success and promote economic diversity and sustainability.
Furthermore, small businesses often provide employment opportunities and help create a sense of community.
As consumers, we have the power to make a difference by consciously supporting small businesses and the entrepreneurs behind them.
By opting for unique, high-quality products and personalised experiences, we enrich our lives and enable these businesses to continue pursuing their dreams and aspirations.
In a world dominated by big corporations, it is essential to recognise and appreciate the value that small businesses bring to our lives.
They are the heart and soul of our economy, adding flavour, character, and authenticity to our shopping experiences. We serve as a shining example of what small businesses can achieve, and our story should inspire others to support and celebrate these local enterprises in our communities actively.
Sign up for our monthly newsletter to stay updated with the latest news in the perfume world, discover the perfect candles for your home, and more.