affiliate marketing
Wealthy Affiliate Review
Wealthy Affiliate Review. We’ve all had tough times over the past few years, and more and more people are searching online for ways to make money or supplement their current income. I did the same in 2021, so I want to share my experience with others who may have come across Wealthy Affiliate, too.
Wealthy Affiliate Review
Name: Wealthy Affiliate
Cost: Free to join with the starter membership. Included within the start membership are 1,500 AI Word Credits, one practice website, 1 Limited Business Hub, Jaaxy starter, limited help and support, core niche training (8 classes)
Upgrading to premium is optional.
Premium is the most popular package, priced at $41.58 monthly or $499 yearly (save $91). Included within the premium membership are the following:
One domain
7,000 AI Word credits per month
AI author platform
Weekly expert classes
Core niche training (20 classes)
Boot Camp training (20 classes)
Three profit-ready websites
Three full business hubs
Jaaxy Lite
Unlimited help and support
24-7 website tech support.
Domain name: $16.00. You will receive one domain.
My rating: 9 out of 10
When I first searched the web for ways to make money online in August 2021, I was surprised by how many companies there were. It was a little overwhelming. When COVID hit, millions sought to earn money while stuck at home. With so many online businesses, how do we tell which ones are genuine and which ones are potential scams?
I glazed over several companies before I came to Wealthy Affiliate and something caught my eye I was intrigued to read further into the online world of affiliate marketing.
What is affiliate marketing?
The basics around affiliate marketing
Affiliate marketing is an online platform that provides step-by-step guidance and tools to help you build an online business. On this platform, commission to an external website is paid through traffic, affiliate links, and referrals.
Photo ©️ Who created Wealthy Affiliate?
Kyle Loudoun and Carson Lim founded Wealthy Affiliate in 2005. They remain very active members of the community and offer help when needed.
Where it starts
Finding a niche
Possibly the most challenging part is finding a niche. We need a topic to write about in our blogs. We are all passionate about something, but we must be so eager that we can write articles for our website regularly.
Niche ideas
■ Weight loss
■ Cooking
■ Sports
■ Art and crafts
■ Parenting
■ Clothing
The list is endless, so there will be something for everyone.
Find a topic that you enjoy and build your website around your ideas. Once you set up a website and publish articles, Google will find and index them.
This means that they have been found online. Over time, the more people see your website and find helpful articles you have written, the more traffic you will receive.
Adding affiliate links from companies you have joined that are relevant to your niche, recommending Wealthy Affiliate to others, and placing adverts on your website can earn you money.
The pros
Step by a step training at your fingertips
The training is easy to follow, with videos to watch alongside reading information.
Tick boxes at the bottom of each page allow you to keep track of which tasks you have completed and if you need to return to where you finished.
Free to join
People like to know they can try a platform before committing to paying money, which is why I joined. It allows everyone to see how they get on, whether working as an affiliate is suited to them, and whether they have the time to commit to it.
No direct product selling
We are all salespeople, yet most of us don’t realise it. You don’t receive a commission if you’ve ever recommended a film at the cinema, a restaurant, or a holiday to your friends and family. If you were to sell a product through an affiliate link on your website, you would receive a commission for that recommendation.
With Wealthy Affiliate, you advertise affiliate links to products you choose relevant to your niche, so the pressure is off trying to get friends/family and strangers to purchase directly from you.
Full support from the community
We all need help and support when we start something new, and this platform is exceptional for the help they give. Other community members answer every question and link resources to their answers to assist you. With members in every part of the world (195 countries), somebody will always be online to help with a question.
24/7 Site support
There is designated site support if you have any issues with your website. They are swift to respond to any queries and keep your website continuously running efficiently.
Website security
Websites are monitored 24 hours a day to offer you security and to ensure your website is kept at bay from hackers and spammers.
The cons
A little overwhelming
Like any new business, there is a lot to learn and do to get things rolling. If you’re a thing like me, I want to know everything all at once, but it’s impossible. Little steps and consistency are the perfect combination. The hardest part is starting.
Basic computer skills are ideal.
Although it says you don’t need computer skills, as you will learn everything through the training, I feel everyone would benefit from basic skills.
Having experienced it firsthand, I found it much easier to learn the different tasks with my knowledge of working with an iPad or computer.
The upgrade option can be expensive.
In any business, we need to pay out money before we can earn the money back. While paying a yearly premium is more cost-effective than paying monthly, you need the money to move forward with the training.
The free option allows you to complete ten training lessons. Once you have reached your limit with the free trial, you will need to upgrade to premium to access the site further. This will benefit you and your business with all that the platform offers.
Training updates required
Some of the training is a little outdated, but there is an option to request an update above all training lessons.
If you encounter any training that asks you to do something on your website manually and your device doesn’t have the option, you can request an update or ask the community for assistance.
Is it a scam?
We are too quick to assume the negative with anything we read or see, and looking for ways to make money online is no exception. We try to find fault in something if it sounds too good. I always believe that if something does sound too good to be true, it usually is.
With over 2,600,000 members in the community, they can’t all be thinking the same thing. We often label things as a scam when it’s something that we fail at or lose money from.
“It must be a scam because it’s not working for me”.Wealthy Affiliate state an ‘endless opportunity and zero risk’.Wealthy Affiliate states that there are endless opportunities and zero risks.
I firmly believe that we all have to fail at something to move forward and become successful. With over 23,000 people helping daily and over 1,800 expert coaches, they’re doing something right.
Should I sign up for premium?
If you’re serious about making money online, the free platform will help you to some extent, but you must sign up for a premium to earn income. You will then have access to boot camps, online classes, and unlimited support, to name a few benefits.
Within the premium amount, you will get all the help you need 24/7 and a keyword research tool called Jaxxy, which helps you find the best keywords to use when writing your articles. I feel this is essential in any online business, as there is a lot of competition.
With Wealthy Affiliate, we can create an online business in a niche that we are passionate about. With so many ideas to choose from, I knew immediately that I wanted to incorporate my love of fragrances. I knew I could write a lot about the topic and help readers with their queries when they search online.
What is a premium plus?
Premium Plus is Wealthy Affiliate’s top level. You fill it out, giving you stacks more training at your fingertips. The advantage is hosting ten premium websites instead of three, with premium advanced options for those who perhaps work full-time in the industry and can put in the hours required.
My story
Alongside being a freelance hairdresser, network marketer, and a one-on-one support teaching assistant for a special needs boy, I felt the need to add another income—something to fall back on in my later years when perhaps my full-time business in hairdressing would become too much as I grew older.
I had no idea what affiliate marketing was, so the closest I had come to this kind of business was working in network marketing. In 2016, I was introduced to a company called FM World. FM World is a perfume company that began selling designer-inspired perfumes and cosmetics in 2011.
As a lover of fragrances, I was sold and have built a small, dedicated team with the same passion for helping others. Being in network marketing for the past eight years has allowed me to connect with many people online. Those connections became friends. Through those friends, I have received many messages from those in my Facebook community who already work in affiliate marketing.
I shied away because I lacked knowledge of the business. Besides, I wanted to find out for myself and in my own time without pressure. I decided to search online as it seemed that so many of my connections were into this new way of earning money. I typed ‘earning money online’ into the search bar to see what would happen.
Wealthy Affiliate stood out from their competition. The page looked inviting, and I had the chance to join for free to test drive the platform and receive my first ten lessons. Unlike many affiliate companies, you don’t have to provide payment details. Everything was broken down into small sections so I could absorb all the information at first glance without feeling overwhelmed.
I wanted to know how much it would cost after the free session, what affiliate marketing involved, and how much time I would need to set aside for this new adventure. Most people sign up for projects, products, etc., when they see FREE.
We have nothing to lose when something doesn’t cost a penny. The opportunity to try this new online business allowed me to find out if it would suit me. It had to fit around my other full-time work and self-employed business.
Get Rich Quick
Wealthy Affiliate isn’t a get-rich-quick scheme. Some people may join an online company hoping to earn much money with minimal work. Like any business, it takes time ( and money) to build. Don’t join Wealthy Affiliate expecting to be paid hundreds of pounds in your first few weeks or months, as you will be bitterly disappointed. There isn’t any business out there, and you can earn quick money with minimal effort. As much as we may want there to be, if you want instant cash, this business isn’t for you.
The training is elementary to follow, albeit a little overwhelming if you try to take on too much initially. Little steps are recommended so you understand what you are doing. There is no rush. It’s taking things at your speed, and there is no pressure to catch up with everyone else. It’s your journey. There are enough pressures nowadays, so we don’t want to add to them.
If working online fits in with your family life, in between other commitments, and you enjoy helping others by writing valuable articles, sign up for the free trial.
Surrounding yourself with successful people will improve your success. Truth.
You have nothing to lose and so much knowledge to gain!
You will receive three bonuses by signing up and joining premium within seven days!
Join today for free and become a part of a beautiful community that aims to help us all reach success in our own way. Unlock your FREE bonus and potential.